Good sliding properties and resistance to moisture absorption are further characteristics of PET-P. The addition of oil greatly reduces the friction coefficient in dry runs.
We have several search tools, listed above, that give you more efficient methods to reach the information that you need. The material is self-lubricating and is ideal for dry running applications.
It’s a pure cast polyamide produced by the polymerization of caprolactam. Lo si trova spesso indicato con i suoi più comuni nomi commerciali come: ACETRON C, ERTACETAL C, TECAFORM AH, LAMIGAMID 60 ZELLAMID 90 HOSTAFORM e molti altri… La versione “H” è homopolimero, una variante con migliori caratteristiche meccaniche come rigidità, durezza e resistenza al creep. It is lightweight, highly crystalline and has a low monomer residue.
Specially selected additives help to expand its properties. Heute verkaufen und Geld verdienen. Produkte zum Festpreis. Wir machen die Rückgabe einfach. Bay ist für Sie da! Die liebsten Fashion-Marken kaufen. Il materiale giusto per la vostra applicazione Saremmo lieti di supportarvi nella scelta dei materiali giusti per la vostra applicazione. Jetzt modernste Elektronik kaufen. Despite the addition of oil, the material remains hard.
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Su tutte le lastre si eseguono tagli a misura e lavorazioni a CNC. POM-C is a unique balance of physical properties not available in most other thermoplastics.
B: I pesi indicati sono stati calcolati su base teorica, possono quindi subire variazioni in base alle tolleranze dimensionali delle barre. This copolymer acetal is an engineering plastic made for wide-ranging universal applications in many different industries.
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